L.A. Downtown Medical Center Employees Page
Human Resources Homepage
Telephone: (213) 989-6153
Fax: (213) 989-6126
All of the orientation links below will open in a new tab.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (All Staff)
Mandatory training for all staff that must be completed before thirty days of employment. Give a copy of your completed certificate to Human Resources.
Hospital Orientation Videos (All Staff)
On-boarding videos for new-hires of L.A. Downtown Medical Center.
Hospital Orientation Slideshow (Non-Clinical Staff are responsible for slides 1 – 170. Clinical staff are responsible for all slides.)
Non-Clinical Staff Hospital Orientation Attestation
Español – Certificación de Orientación Hospitalaria
Clinical Staff Hospital Orientation Attestation
Azalea Training Videos
Training videos and how-to tutorials for our electronic health record.
Employee happiness and wellbeing is important to L.A.D.M.C.! Come and enjoy our free fitness center and other wellness offerings!
L.A.D.M.C. Fitness
Run L.A.D.M.C. (running club)
Key Medical Education (link opens in new tab)
Sign up for training courses like BLS/CPR, ACLS, AB508 and others that are required.
L.P.S. Certification (link opens in new tab)
L.P.T., L.V.N., and R.N. employees can apply to write 5150 holds for the hospital.
ADP (link opens in new tab)
Check your timeclock hours, adjust tax and your employee information.
Corporate Shopping (link opens in new tab)
Discounts on retail, theme parks, car rentals, and more!